- Ali R. Vahdat, Amirkabir Uni of Technology (Teheran Polytechnic), Iran
- Bruno Baruque, Uni of Burgos, Spain
- Chong Liu, Uni of Manchester, UK
- David Gamez, University of Essex, UK
- Giovanni Pazienza, Ramon Llull Uni, Barcelona, Spain
- Gouda Peng, Birkbeck College, Uni London, UK
- José Miguel Hernández Lobato, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
- Judith Redi, Uni of Genoa, Italy
- Angela Blanco, Uni Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain
- Marek Grochowski, Nicolaus Copernicus Uni, Torun, Poland
- Naser NourAshrafoddin, Amirkabir Uni of Technology (Teheran Polytechnic), Iran
- Owen Kao, Ocean University of China, China
- Phillip Wolfrum, FIAS, Frankfurt, Germany