Conference venue

The ICANN 2024 is going to take place on the shared Campus of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI). 

Address of the Conference Venue: USI-SUPSI Campus Est, Via la Santa 1, 6962 Lugano-Viganello, Switzerland

The participants will enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, as well as close integration into campus life. The conference venue is located within walking distance to city center, lake shore, a large choice of hotels, and several major attractions of the city.In case you wish to take public transportation from the hotel to the conference venue, ask for the Ticino Ticket which all hotels should offer to you free of charge, and which allows you to use all public transport in Ticino free of charge. (Note that some private cable cars and boats may not be included in the offer. Also note that private apartments might not adhere to the Ticino Ticket.)

Photo Credit – SUPSI – Department of Innovative Technologies