Detailed Program

The final version of the conference program can be downloaded here: ICANN_Detailed_Program_and_Program_At_A_Glance.xlsx.

Note that posters in poster sessions will be available all day, we ask the author(s) to be present in one of the coffee breaks to present their poster and answer possible questions.

Presentation instructions

Oral presentations are assigned a time slot of 20 minutes; each presentation should take 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions and answers. Please prepare your presentation in Powerpoint or PDF format, we will provide computers to run the presentation, in order to minimize time loss between presentations.

Posters should be in A0 Portrait format. Each poster is to be presented during a specific day, we ask you to place your poster in the morning and take it off in the afternoon, after the last session. Note that physical presence is mandatory also for poster presentations, we ask the authors of a poster to be present during one of the coffee breaks (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: afternoon, Friday: morning) for presentation, and for answering questions. Exceptions must be explicitly agreed with the ICANN Program Committee.

A note on presentation types

Please rest assured that there is no difference regarding the “value” of oral or poster presentations. All accepted papers are published in the proceedings, with no distinction regarding the presentation type. It is our opinion that both kinds of presentation have substantial merits: A talk allows to expose certain complex issues in condensed form, a poster allows for interactive discussion and may easily reach a large number of interested attendees. We encourage all authors to make best use of their presentation, whatever the mode.

Notwithstanding the above, we are happy to explain the situation regarding the assignment of papers to presentation types (oral / poster), as some authors have asked.

The ICANN 2024 has received an unexpectedly large number of “full paper” submissions (from 12 pages), and very few “short” papers. Therefore, we have found it impossible to fit all full papers into the slots for oral presentations, despite having been able to reserve an additional lecture room for two of the four conference days. In order to avoid rejecting papers due to space reasons, we have decided to assign some full papers to poster sessions. These assignments were mostly based on content (we believe that some specific topics are best suited for poster presentations) and space in respective sessions (since sessions are grouped by topic) and should never be taken as a vote on the quality of the paper.

If the type of your presentation is of great importance to you, please contact, we will try our best to accomodate your request.