Accepted Papers

Your paper has been accepted to the ICANN 2024 – congratulations! On this page we summarize the steps towards the final publication.

Camera-ready version

You must upload the camera-ready version of your paper until June 30 2024 July 5 2024 anywhere on earth. Please ensure that any changes you make to your paper do not go beyond what the reviewers have specifically recommended, otherwise, we may need to make a full reassessment of your submission, leading to delays and possibly a change in outcome.

During the upload process, you will also be asked to declare that you have the right to publish this paper.

Do not forget to put author names and affiliations in your camera-ready version!

Please upload your camera-ready version at

Papers to be revised

Special case: If the decision on your paper is revise, this means that our Area Chairs and Program Chairs consider your paper to be on the border between acceptance and submission, and that we believe that a relatively minor clarification will make the difference between a paper ready for publication, and a paper which is not publishable at this point of time. In this case, please upload your revised version until June 10 2024, paying close attention to the suggestions of the reviewers. We will reassess the paper and issue the final decision until June 17 2024. In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us (

If you do not upload your revised version until June 10 2024, your paper cannot be included in the Proceedings.


For each paper, one author must be registered to the ICANN until June 30 2024 July 5 2024 (AoE). Both full and student registrations are acceptable. All information is found on the Registration site.

If you (or any of your coauthors) do not register until June 30 2024 July 5 2024, your paper cannot be included in the Proceedings.

No-show rule

In the case that none of the authors of a paper can attend the conference and present the paper in oral or poster form, and assuming the authors do not wish to withdraw their paper(s) from the ICANN proceedings, the following policy will be applied:

  1. Authors must immediately inform the Program Chairs as soon as possible when it is clear that none of the authors can present the paper, providing the reason for the absence and proof. For instance, in the case of health or visa issues, a doctor’s note or visa rejection letter needs to be provided.
  2. Authors will collaborate closely with the Program Chairs in order to find an alternative for the presentation; such an alternative may be a non-author presenting the paper on behalf of the authors, a proper-length, pre-recorded video of the the oral presentation, etc.
  3. The Program Chairs will assess whether the reasons presented by the no-show authors deem to be substantiated, and whether sufficient steps have been taken to not harm the smooth running of the conference. If the Program Chairs judge the reasons to be substantiated, the no-show may be accepted without further sanctions. If the presented reasons do not seem substantiated, the Program Chairs are required to delete the respective paper(s) from the proceedings (if still possible), and will inform the ENNS board of the situation.