
The ICANN 2025 proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, indexed as peer-reviewed publication in the Web of Science.

The ICANN features three conference tracks, namely Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bio-inspired Computing, and an Application Track. We also expect to feature several workshops and special sessions which are dedicated to specific topics. For a detailed overview,  see the Conference topics.

The deadline for the submission of full papers is  March 15, 2025 . You find the Call for Papers on its dedicated site: Call for Papers.

Important notice: We ask all prospective authors to be aware that the ICANN 2025 is an in-person conference. We expect that at least one co-author of each accepted paper will be physically present in Kaunas to give his or her presentation. We will also enforce a no-show rule, in order to encourage an optimal quality of the scientific discussion here in Kaunas.

Instructions for Preparing your Paper

All author information is found on As a first step, obtain the paper template:

  • The paper template is found at LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates download.
  • The template is also available on Overleaf.
  • Under the link above, you will also find a link to the paper template in Microsoft Word. Please do not use the Word template unless absolutely necessary, as it will make your paper come out in a somewhat different style.
  • For a detailed style guide, consider Instructions for Proceedings Authors.

You can submit long abstracts (1 – 2 pages) and full papers (6 – 12 pages). All papers will undergo rigorous peer review; the Program Committee will make the final decision which papers will be included in the conference program. For papers with conflicting reviews, or which are on the borderline between acceptance and rejection, a short rebuttal phase is foreseen. Papers longer than 12 pages will only be accepted exceptionally, if you believe that you need more than 12 pages please contact the Program Committee before your submission. Full papers will usually be assigned to oral sessions, short paper may be assigned to oral or poster sessions.

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.

Instructions for Anonymization

The review process of the ICANN 2025 is double-blind. This means that the identity of the reviewers is unknown, but also that the reviewers will not see the list of authors of the paper. We believe that this procedure makes the review process more fair and less biased.

In order to make double-blind review work, we ask you to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Please remove the author names and affiliations from your paper. Replace them by “Anonymous submission”.
  2. In the text of your paper, avoid referring to yourself in the first person. If you need to refer to yourself, use third person just as you would use for any other author. For example, instead of saying “In [3] we showed that the foo filter works well”, you can say “Smith et al. showed that the foo filter works well [3]”, or simply “the foo filter works well [3]”. Also avoid writing statements like “This paper builds on our previous work [1-5]”. Cite any relevant references, both your own ones and those by different groups, but your paper should stand for itself.
  3. Do not remove names from references. For example, if reference [3] is relevant for your work, cite it in the bibliography as “[3] Smith et al, This is a nice paper, Journal of Things, 2023″ (or similar), independently on whether you are “Smith” or somebody else. Do not write “[3] reference removed for blind review”.
  4. There is no need to include acknowledgments (e.g. grants) in the paper submission. Leave them for the final version of your work.

Please note that your paper might be rejected if you do not anonymize it properly.

Submission of your paper

For submission, please follow the link to:

The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.

If you already have an account, log in and follow the steps the system suggests to you (you may have to click “Submit now” a second time), otherwise you will have to create an account first.

Please note that during the submission process, you must choose a paper category. These categories correspond to the conference topics, please choose the one which best fits your paper. Note that there are theoretical/algorithmic topics and application topics. If you wish to submit to a Workshop or Special Session, please choose the respective one directly from the list of categories!