The International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) is the annual flagship conference of the European Neural Network Society (ENNS). In 2025, the ICANN will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Conference Dates: September 9 to September 12, 2025
Conference Venue: Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania
Conference Webpage:
We invite prospective organizers to submit Workshop, Tutorials and Special Session Proposals.
Special Sessions focus on specific topics within the general scope of the conference. Their goal is to provide a forum for focalized discussions on state-of-the-art research in their specific field.
Special Sessions have the same duration as a standard session (2 hours), and submissions should follow the same format as for the main conference track. The internal organization of Special Sessions is up to the organizer (for example, it is possible to reserve more time for some distinguished speaker, or for a demonstration).
Workshops have a broader focus than Special Sessions; they have the goal to showcase specific methods and applications to the general conference audience.
While workshops normally feature peer-reviewed submissions, this is not obligatory for invited speaker(s). They can usually take up the entire conference day (or even more) and may feature a free format with presentations, panel discussions, brainstorming, etc. The program chairs are happy to discuss specific arrangements with prospective organizers.
The organizer has the tasks of helping to publicize the special session/workshop, providing a list of scientists who would be invited to submit articles, organizing the review process (if appropriate), and finally chairing the session. The accepted papers of Workshops and Special sessions will be included into separate LNCS proceedings:
Authors willing to present original contributions in either the oral or poster category are invited to submit:
– A full paper of 6-12 pages (including references) to be published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series with individual DOI.
– An extended abstract of maximum 2 pages to be published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, without individual indexing.
Tutorials have a specific focus as Special Sessions; they have the goal to showcase specific methods and applications in practice to the practitioners.
Tutorials could be half or full day with a hands on program. The program chairs are happy to discuss specific arrangements with prospective organizers.
The organizer has the tasks of helping to publicize the tutorials, providing a list of scientists who would be invited to submit articles, organizing the review process (if appropriate), and finally chairing the session.
Please submit a short description of your proposal, including the responsible chairs, to CMT system: Submission link
We will then get in touch with you. For each accepted Workshop/Tutorial, we offer one free conference registration.
The proposals should contain at least the following:
- A title and abstract.
- A clear motivational paragraph why it is a special session, workshop, or tutorial.
- A brief description of the content and its relevance to the ICANN community (no more than 2 pages).
- A brief outline of the structure showing that the core content can be covered in 4 hours (2 hours for special session).
- The names and contact information of the
- instructors, including one-paragraph statements of their research interests and areas of expertise (also, links to google scholar / orcid / linkedin profiles, if possible); it is also required to indicate in the proposal who is planning to attend the conference and who will present which part.
- Estimate of the audience size.
- A description of special requirements for technical equipment (e.g., audio equipment).
- Brief description of the related publications.
- Please provide a link to slides from earlier similar special sessions/tutorials/workshops (if any).
Deadline for Workshop and Special Session Proposals: March 1 March 15, 2025. Direct all questions to
Call for proposals pdf.